Each time I begin the work on a picture, no matter what project (beauty-/ fashion-/ portrait-retouching, industrial photo retouching, advertisement, digital photo restoration) I have the end result in mind.
During the discussion with the customer and the instructions given I understand and know what is expected.
With that in mind I am fully aware of the tools at my disposal. The trick is to not only know what the tools are capable of doing but to also know exactly when and how to use each of them.
Imagine you have to find your way through a corn maze to eventually and successfully exit the maze. Before you enter the maze (think of the project you awarded me to work on for you) you have a bird's-eye view of it (thinking of the available tools) making you able to find your way through before you descend and begin to make your way through the maze.
Utilizing this advantagious awareness in combination with reliability, honesty, fairness and affordability that is your A1R advantage